Park Ranger, Carr Creek Lake

Kevin Wright and James Madden with the Forestry Division planted American Chestnut trees last week. (Photo by Jordan Thomas Hall)
Through the efforts of Keith Chasteen, USACE, CELRL-OP-TO, work- ing with Dr. Anne Bobig- ian, President of the Ky. Chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation and Lynn Garrison, President of the National American Chestnut Foundation, an opportunity arose for the donation of genetically modified chestnut trees for an interpretive plant- ing within the US Army Corps of Engineers Lou- isville District. A proposal was sent into the US Army Corps of Engineers Louis- ville District Office by Park Ranger Kevin Wright on October 5, 2012. The pur- pose of the proposal was for Carr Creek Lake to be considered as one.
A total of 16 trees were made available for the two planting locations within the Louisville District, eight of the trees are B4F1 (15/16) potted from the Na- tional Chestnut Foundation in Ashville, North Carolina, and eight are B3F3 (3/4) from an Orchard that is be- ing deactivated located near Lands End Farm northeast of Louisville, Kentucky.
Tuesday, October 9, Carr Creek Lake was notified by Keith Chasteen that it had been selected as one of the two sites for an interpretive planting. Arrangements were made by Ranger Kev- in Wright to pick up the trees on November 19 with planting scheduled the fol- lowing day on November 20.The planting site prepa- ration started on November 8 and was completed on…
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