Local DAV members unveiled the new Veterans Memorial on Hwy. 7 om Kite on Sunday, May 27. (Photo by Jordan Thomas Hall)
A memorial was dedicated Sunday to veterans of Knott County in the Beaver, Caney, and Carr Creek communities. A tarp was draped over the black granite monument as people poured in for the ceremony. People gathered at the Dry Creek Bridge in Beaver for an unveiling of the veteran’s monument.
The massive black granite etched with hundreds of names was erected on a large concrete foundation in a wide area off Highway 7. This stone was dedicated but the committee noted that the project is not complete. As more money is raised they plan to purchase two more stones to go on each side of the existing one to include additional names. Committee members are taking names as more people are aware of the project and request a name be added.
This project took over two years. “We want to thank the many volunteers who gave their time, donated, and gave in any way that made this possible,” said Jackie Hall of the Beaver Creek Park Committee.
An idea was conceived of having a memorial to honor the service men and women who are currently serving our country and those who have served. People from Beaver, Caney, and Carr Creek liked the idea and it came together. People donated. Volunteers sold gift baskets and raised money in many ways.
The volunteers have started selling memory bricks as a way to raise money for the additional stones. The committee felt the memory bricks would be a good way for people to personalize a brick in memory of their loved one. The bricks will be laid around the base of the new granite stone. The cost of a brick is $50. Whatever a donor wants etched can be accommodated, up to three lines of 13 characters or less each line. Volunteers will be…
See this week’s newspaper for more.
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