Submit a picture of you or someone you know read- ing the Troublesome Creek Times newspaper and the winner will win $100. It can be a serious photo or a funny one, whatever your mind creates. The only rule is the person has to be reading the newspaper. The setting for the newspaper can be a serious one inside a home or on a porch or comical one that you can envi- sion. All names of the person submitting the photos will be written down, mixed in a large container, and a winner will be drawn at random.
There are three ways to enter. First, you can mail a picture(s) to the Times office at: P.O. Box 1500, Hindman, Ky 41822. Secondly, you can email the photo(s) to Or you can upload them to your Facebook page and tag The Troublesome Creek Times and ‘like’ us. The deadline to enter is April 10 and a winner will be announced in the following issue of the paper. Good luck!